- aircraft personnel
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Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System — Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (or ACARS) is a digital datalink system for transmission of small messages between aircraft and ground stations via radio or satellite. The protocol, which was designed by ARINC to replace… … Wikipedia
Aircraft on ground — (AOG) is a term in aviation maintenance indicating that a problem is serious enough to prevent an aircraft from flying. Generally there is a rush to acquire the parts to put the aircraft (A/C) back into service, and prevent further delays or… … Wikipedia
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting — (ARFF) is a special category of firefighting that involves the response, hazard mitigation, evacuation and possible rescue of passengers and crew of an aircraft involved in (typically) an airport ground emergency. Airport ARFF operations are… … Wikipedia
Aircraft lease — Aircraft leases are a number of types of leases used by airlines and other aircraft operators. Airlines lease aircraft from other airlines or leasing companies for two main reasons; to operate aircraft without the financial burden of buying them … Wikipedia
Aircraft Maintenance Technician — Aircraft Maintenance Technician, as used in the United States, refers to an individual who holds a Mechanic certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration; the rules for certification, and for certificate holders, are detailed in… … Wikipedia
Aircraft carrier — From bottom to top: Principe de Asturias, amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, USS Forrestal and light V/STOL carrier HMS Invincible, showing size differences of late 20th century carriers An aircraft … Wikipedia
Aircraft emergency frequency — The aircraft emergency frequency (also known as guard) is a frequency used on the aircraft radio band reserved for emergency communications for aircraft in distress. The frequencies are 121.5 MHz for civilian, also known as International Air… … Wikipedia
Aircraft carriers of the Royal Australian Navy — The Royal Australian Navy, while significant in the Asia Pacific region, has never been a major global force. As with many smaller navies after World War II, the RAN made a decision to develop a naval air arm and operate aircraft carriers. Due to … Wikipedia
Aircraft parts industry — The aircraft parts industry is defined as companies that focus on the aerospace parts market. These include list price reference providers ( [http://www.straightaero.com StraightAERO.com] , AvREF ),manufacturing ( [http://www.boeing.com Boeing] … Wikipedia
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer — An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) is basically a person licensed to ensure the aircraft is airworthy in accordance with local and international aviation standards. The Canadian equivalent to an American Aircraft Maintenance Technician and… … Wikipedia
Aircraft landing lights — Landing lights are lights used on aircraft to illuminate the terrain and runway ahead during takeoff and landing.OverviewAlmost all modern aircraft are equipped with landing lights if they are intended and approved for nighttime operations.… … Wikipedia